Lots of people have begun putting out e-books for supplemental income (or in cases of great success, primary income!)
An “e-book” just refers to the idea that it is published through an electronic book vendor, like Amazon’s Kindle and Nook services.
Many e-books are rushed out in absolutely terrible condition; they might contain factual errors, spelling errors, formatting errors, syntactical errors- the list goes on. You can set yourself above the rest by putting more work into the presentation of the book.
A good cover will help you out a lot, as will producing a work of quality rather than quantity. You can find plenty of bad e-books that are making a little bit of money, but if you want the big bucks, you should really buckle down, and maybe even consider hiring an editor.
Conversely, you may be able to find work on the freelancing sites where you can get paid to write people’s e-books for them!
Sites to Use (to publish your e-books on):